Make good boundaries your goal. They are your right, your responsibility.

Elaine N. Aron, Author of
The Highly Sensitive Person:
How to Thrive When the
World Overwhelms You

Your Teachers…



Celebrate Your Male and Female Energies!

New Class Series:
Exploring Male and Female Energies!

Committed 4-Class Series: March 16 & 30, April 6 & 20, 2023
Co-Teachers: Rev’s Michael Neuert and Hilary von Haunalter

When we ground and run the balance of male-female energy that is right for us, we gain a kind of grace and power within ourselves, as well as in our relationships with the “opposite” sex.

Male and female bodies operate at different energy levels. Most of us as spirits have had many lives in both kinds of body. But in this life, the gender energy of your body is a huge factor in how you interact with the world, and especially with the opposite sex.

Male and female bodies — when grounding and running their own gender energy — tend to support, compliment and inspire each other, rather than blame, control, and fight one another. Consider that these differences are divine, and literally create the amazing life on our planet!

And you may have noticed that men and women can sometimes communicate in very different ways!  Understanding and honoring these differences is crucial – and helps make all your relationships with others much more enjoyable and successful.

Gender Grounding

When a woman grounds her ovaries, she pulls her own female energy back to her body – versus having it spread out to others and the world around her. She feels more fresh, alive and energized, and happier with her own femininity. At the same time, the men around her find it easier to relax and feel comfortable with their own male energy. They feel less competition and judgement with the feminine, and instead feel more of their male energy of cooperation and support for the feminine.

In a similar way, when a man spiritually grounds his sexual organs to the center of the planet, he brings his own male energy back into his own space – rather than spreading it out to others and into the world around him. He feels more calm, and instinctively knows his own path more clearly. And as a result, the women around him feel less depressed, and more energized to be their own unique feminine selves, and thus, more attracted to the masculine.


**  Exploring Male and Female Energies!  **

New 4-Session Class Series:  March 16 & 30, April 6 & 20, 2023

March 16 – Male and Female Grounding (Week #1) :

  • Learn How to Specifically Ground Your Male or Female Body
  • Notice the Difference Communicating from Different Grounded States
  • Experience a Deeper Level of Calm by Validating Your Own Body Type

March 30 – Male and Female Energies (Week #2):

  • What They Are and How Much of Each Do You Want?
  • Use a Spirit “Gauge” to Discover What Balance of Male-Female Energy is Best for You
  • Discover How Specific Qualities of Female and Male Energy Feel in Your body

April 6 – How to Create Your Own Male-Female Space (Week #3):

  • Release Failure and Powerlessness Affecting Your Relationship Space
  • Reset Your Space With the Male-Female Energies You Align With, Such as Joy, Ease, Amusement, Curiosity and Compassion
  • Discover the Difference Between Your Optimal Male-Female Energy, and What is Not – Hint: Your Optimal Energy Balance Feels Amazing!

April 20 – Male-Female Communication (Week #4):

  • Learn How to Create a Relationship Bubble for Healthier Male-Female Communication
  • Use a Relationship Bubble to Create Attraction and Respect with the Opposite Sex
  • A Relationship Bubble Allows Two People to Connect Deeply, Without Loosing Themselves

About This Class

This 4-session committed series is open to all, male or female, whether you are in a relationship or not. No previous training or experience is needed. And this class may be especially helpful if you want to be in a relationship. Welcome!

Drop-In is Okay for First Class

Special Invitation: You are welcome to drop in and try out the first class, on March 16. The class membership will be closed starting with the second session. The first session is free if this is your first time. Otherwise, we ask for $20 to $30 if you only come to the first class.

Your Co-Teachers

Hilary and I graduated from the Clairvoyant Training Program at the Berkeley Psychic Institute back in the early 90s. We first taught this male-female class together over 20 years ago (1999), and we still are dear friends today. For more information about each of us, see the links below.


We ask for a donation of $100 to $150 (sliding scale) for the series. All classes will be on Zoom, on Thursday evenings, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM (Pacific). Recordings of each class will be available to committed members, so you can miss one or two of the live sessions if you need to.

May you, and everyone you love, be blessed.


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