Democracy is the energy of Christ feeding the masses.
It is a Christ Force energy of abundance.
The divine truth is that there is enough for everybody.
We can all be fed. This is true freedom!
The Spirit of Democracy
Part 2 – The Rise of the Divine Feminine
By Rev. Michael R Neuert – This is Part 2, as published on 10-28-24
So what the hell are you waiting for? Because if it’s the woman thing, it’s time to get over that!
It’s time for hope, for change. It’s time to be a man, and vote for a woman.
(Sam Elliott – legendary “real man” actor in a recent ad by the Lincoln Project)
It’s Time for the Feminine
At some level, we all know that this is a critical time for the integration of the feminine – not just for our individual well-being – but for the health of our planet, and the survival of our democracy.
There are always certain dark forces that will resist change and the evolution of consciousness. But right now, there is an even stronger uprising of spiritual momentum – bringing us healing energy and wisdom – in the form of the regenerative feminine. You can feel it.
Biden Drops Out for the Feminine to Emerge
Clairvoyantly, I see that Joe Biden as a soul (in a group agreement with a large number of evolving souls on the planet), dropped out of the campaign at the spiritually precise time to suddenly offer us this drastic difference in choices for the direction of our country, and our spiritual evolution.
On the one hand, an old man displays his pain, narcissism and sociopathic wounding, by lying, cheating and sowing fear, for his own gain. He runs a literal cult of fear: They are bad. They want to destroy you. They are eating your pets! Only I have the answer. You will only be safe if I am your king.
The Criminal Prosecutor vs the Prosecuted Criminal
And on the other hand, a younger mixed-race woman, with black and Asian heritages, is a experienced prosecutor who has literally faced liars and cheaters and brought them to justice. She runs the energy of democracy: The American dream is for everyone. We can do this. Together we can create a world that works for everyone, not just the old wealthy white guys.
Collectively, we all get to look at and choose the energy of integrity/safety, versus the rampant energies of the false/fear self. Symbolically, the old male domination paradigm of the old false masculine self is now being “brought to justice!”
The Old Masculine is Suffering
Donald Trump has an amazingly loyal following, not because he is a true leader, but because he mirrors and validates the collective pain and fear that so many people are experiencing, especially for men.
He is the ultimate archetype of the False Self – the part of us that fears change, denies uncomfortable realities like climate change, ignores deep feelings of grief or pain, and clings emotionally to an imagined better time.
The reality is that men, as well as woman, are all suffering under the old paradigm of masculine fear and control. And not surprisingly, the people who cling to the old system the strongest, are the ones that need the integration of the feminine the most, for their own healing and well-being.
Threat and Fear
A group of us were looking at the energies of threat being thrown at the US electorate. For millennia, the old domination system could simply throw fear and threat to gain control. Women and girls would respond in a kind of survival mode – lower their vibration, decrease their power, worth and ability, to fit in to the culture to survive. To be less than they really are.
This threat energy has affected women and girls for thousands of years. But that’s the huge thing that is changing now – the ability of all of us, not just women, to no longer believe in that false masculine threat energy anymore, that would put women “in their place.” As one presidential candidate has stated: “We’re not going back!”
We are in the process of letting go of the old male domination model, towards a more balanced inclusion and integration of the feminine, and a healthier more powerful version of the masculine.
The End of Sexism in Our Culture
Sexism – the old patriarchy of misogyny, male dominance, and prejudice against women and girls – runs deep in our collective psyche. In 1870, the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stated that voting rights “cannot be denied by the US government or any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” But notice the conspicuous absence of the word “sex” along with race and color.
It wasn’t until 50 years later, that in 1920, the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was finally passed, giving women the right to vote. Consider that in the US, a black man could be become president years before a woman of any color would be elected.
The Healthy Masculine Does Not Need to Bully Others
People who are secure and have a sense of their own agency and abilities to act in the world, do not have to control or persecute or denigrate others. Healthy people with their own sense of Self do not need to bully others. They are already secure. The divine feminine is supportive, creative, cooperative and inclusive.
Only people who are in fear inside themselves and deeply insecure, need to act out power trips and control and cruelty to others, to get some sense that they are not insignificant. This has been the curse of the false masculine. They need to control others, just to feel safe.
The Feminine Hand of God is Knocking
People who are in touch with their own power, don’t need to wield power over others, they already have inside, they are already secure, they already feel well. They don’t need externalized security, just to be okay.
The hand of God is knocking, at our collective evolution door, and it’s a woman’s hand! This is not some kind of reactive power-play over the masculine. This is a celebration of life, in the spirit of abundance, for everyone getting their needs met, whether you are a man or a woman.
Click here to continue to The Spirit of Democracy, Part 3:
Part 3 – Healing the Cult of False Masculinity
Or click here to go to The Spirit of Democracy, Part 1:
Part 1 – Casting Your Spiritual Vote!
May you, and everyone you love, be blessed.