Healing Prayers

May we all be blessed with the divine wisdom and courage,

to manifest these brilliant sparks of God’s light that we are as spirit,

into our full physical human form, aliveness and well-being,

right here, right now, on this dear planet earth.

And may we, in this process of spiritual growth together,

bring greater peace, clarity, compassion and abundance onto the planet,

for the highest good of everyone concerned.

So be it, amen.

As we { read / heal / pray / meditate / have this counseling }

we allow the cosmic and earth energies to flow through our bodies,

opening the doors through which we become more aware of our spirituality,

and increase the communication with the God of our Heart.


Let us pray, may it be with the blessings of the Supreme Being,

that whatever happens during this { reading / healing / prayer / meditation / counseling }

will benefit each of us, in our spiritual growth, awareness and understanding,

and also our joy, amusement, and havingness.

So be it, amen.

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